Pay What You Wish - Cheryl Galbraith Original Art - Now Open to Offers.

Please go to ‘My Art’ Page where you will see a catalogue of my original artwork with lists the Original Value worth. I am now open to sliding the pricing scale to some, with a ‘Pay What You Wish’ model, with the view of customers to pay how much they feel my particular artwork is of value and can afford.

Please select an option below or choose the custom amount button and enter your own price to reserve the discounted prices for those who need it below & email me the chosen offer price & i’ll confirm if I accept.

Cheryl Galbraith Original art is on sale, I am now open to offers and providing a few suggested Pay What You Wish (PWYW) options. Please got to my art page and email me the reference of my art along with the amount you wish to offer Example: (The Ostrich of Blue 2022, £1,300). If I am happy with the Pay What You Wish offer, I will then confirm by email, once the donation has been received, I will send arrangements to get the art to you. If outside the UK additional postage costs will be included.