The “Tribes & Wildlife Bonds” Collection:

Below you will see my painting of a spotted hyena watching over a young child “The Guardian Hyena” providing protection, is inspired by HARAR, Ethiopia's ancient walled city where hyenas roam scavenging for food, where a tradition had been formed and a chosen family from the village would take on the duty to feed hyenas after dusk. A remarkable relationship of trust, between man and animal, feed the hyenas and they don't attack the village is the hoped for concept. The residents admire the hyenas and do not fear them.

My painting of the African beauty “Oshun: Leader of Women” is an updated piece, a tribute to Oshun the African Goddess, the Mother of Africa. Oshun meaning a spirit, deity a supreme being. Oshun is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality and is most regarded principally as a goddess of love by The Yoruba people.

I am really fascinated by tribes across the world I came across some photography by #mariogerth which captures true beauty of African nomads in Ethiopia which inspired me to create a version of Oshun.

More painting of this collection are to follow…………..


Art on a Can


Green and Purple